Tony, Do organizers and teachers at classes introduce themselves at classes so we know a bit more about them to ffel safe?
Yes, anyone we work with does introduce themselves and we ask them to, which is usually for their own benefit.
What security will I have in the case of a Live Streaming? How do I know that the Student is not going to record the class?
We tell everyone that grabbing or recording images is forbidden and ask models to use a new model name to keep them safer. People pay to watch and draw and also pay to hire the recordings so they can finish their Artwork so easier to check people that way. Only Paypal custumers can Draw Life Drawing here and to be with Paypal you need to be 18. At the end of every class we see people's drawings and those who disappear I get in touch later to ask to see their drawings to help them... Life Drawing doesn't have anything sexual attached to it so the people you are thinking about would not pay to see that when all is Free to watch nowadays online. Whatever is Zoom recorded cannot be used for anything else than what is mentioned on our Photo & Video Model release that you need to read, agree with, sign before we can record anything. People who are too worried to let us zoom record can still find work opportunities but would need to volunteer and be dressed/in outfit for our 24/7 Channel or it would need to be for a charitable cause where a few models could help with the promo side of things, sharing donations.
How long is the Streaming going to be for?
Classes are usually 2 hours with a few minutes break or 15 mins break for 3 hours. Some classes maybe hours long such as Marathons and where models only pose for 20 to 30 mins and Donations are shared.
I cannot see model portfolio in the Website or anyone to ask for references.
We try to avoid non-paying Artists or anyone to see Models portfolios to avoid putting our models at risk of loosing their privacy.
Models can also create their own Patron/support group where anyone can join and pay a tiny membership in exchange for services and where whoever want to talk to them, would need to join and pay. Only Model, Artists names do show, which is also why we use only our Paypal Donation URL to keep things safe and always as transparent as possible.
Can I life model without being recorded on Zoom?
Because our recorded classes are tutored we record all classes with a few exceptions. People hire the videos later to also take on more of the tuition.
I have heard of a way to get more exposure and jobs from Patronage groups, can you explain please.
Patronage is not a new thing and works already well so we thought we might as well help our Models, Artists and Art teachers with letting them or their supporters start a new grous that people have to join to be able to communicate with them and receive a service for the membership that this group carries (£1.20/week). Supporters are also employer/future employers. The same is possible for dressed models as long as they can volunteer to pose at least 1hr/week on our coming soon 24/7 Channel... Most Models and Artists will be reminded to use their new name. Only after weeks to months of knowing someone in their group that they could provide their real name. It also has to do with Business competition but that's another long Story.
Do you help models with their poses?
Yes we have more and more password protected pages for models to find new interesting poses from Life Drawing to Gesture, Burlesque or couples... We also take the time, at no cost whatsoever, to let models show us poses and try them online with zoom but wearing clothes.
Do you help models with lighting or Zoom, their space?
Yes, we cannot work with anyone on Zoom if we haven't spoken to them online and check sound working both ways, Camera and both lenses, Lighting and pay for a powerful bulb that cost £8 from Amazon to make sure the lighting is perfect. Light from windows should never show on cameras.
I have a private garden, can it be used for Streaming?
Yes as long as the Wifi is strong enough to carry the signal. Daylight is ideal for posing if not in the sun.
I live in Antartica, but would like to life model, is that OK?
Yes, again as long as your wifi is good enough and temperature allows...
How do you pay models?
Before working together we attach in one of our emails a blank invoice and the Photo & Video model Release that you'd need to sign. The next day after the class you will need to email the invoice filled with the amount agreed per hour which is £20/h that we raised a few months ago and donations that we wait for until the next day. Then we can ask you how much to invoice us for. As soon as we receive it with the method of payment we need to use we simply transfer the funds. At the end of every month we check our paypal transactions for Video hire and what videos so we can Paypal 1/2 of that after Payplal commission. Same for monthly memberships referrals or Patron group memberships. Whatever jobs you get from people who join your patron group, that we don't deal with that for now so better invite the world quickly. One day we will keep 20% in exchange for an online booking service. Models with Social Networking aptitude will be asked to help with big events, Marathons, competitions so they can use their time and skills to retire early.
Whenever we receive more questions we happily add them here with the Author's model name if they don't mind.